Make Sure Customers Thinking Of You. Not Your Competitors. Join The Social Media Conversation, And Win.Social media is one of the most powerful tools for growing your business. In fact, 89% of small businesses say it helps them gain exposure and drive web traffic—but most don’t know how to use it effectively.
Here’s the challenge: most businesses fail at social media marketing. Why? They don’t have the time or know-how to create content that grabs attention and turns viewers into customers. Instead of generating leads, their posts get lost in the noise. |
Top 5 Social Media Marketing MistakesMistake #1 - Posting Whatever You Want
Social media is the digital representation of you. You show people videos, images, and posts that you relate to. They mean something to you. That's part of social media. This goes for businesses and brands, too. Social media is the digital representation of your brand. That's why it's important to separate yourself from your brand. It's not a good idea to say what you think and believe, especially if it's controversial. Mistake #2 - Too Much Self-PromotionIt can be hard to not constantly post about your brand
You can't help it - you want your brand known and you want customers or an audience. But if you're posting only self-promotions and no other types of posts (i.e. interesting content and engagement), you're not doing your brand any favors. In fact, you're probably damaging your social media reputation. Avoid this social media mistake by finding a balance between self-promotion and interesting content. Mistake #3 - Posting Irrelevant Content
What do people like? Viral videos, cats, people doing dumb stuff, the list goes on. There's a lot of content out there and you'll probably feel the urge to share that cat video that has 3 million views. Unless you're an animal brand, don't. The simple way to avoid this social media mistake is by posting only relevant content. If a video goes viral and it happens to be something in relation to your brand (like if you're an animal brand), go for it! But if not, save sharing that cat video for your own social media channel. Mistake #4 - Not Creating a Social Media Strategy
This one can really tie into mistakes numbers 2 and 3. Social media is a strategy. It's an art. Before dashing off to Facebook or having someone manage your social media, make sure that you have an adequate plan. Look over and understand the blueprints of your plan and stick to them. Mistake #5 - Ignoring Your Audience
Part of social media is engagement. Engagement is a two-way street. Therefore, you should respond to your audience when they reach out to you. Whether it's a comment or a review, make sure to respond. This way, they know there's someone there behind the keyboard and that they're being listened to. |
Frequently Asked QuestionsHow does your software platform helps me improve social presence?
Our solution is a one-stop-shop and will deliver priceless analytics about your brand, product or service, and the ability to manage all social marketing channels from a single screen. You will be able to post to social channels instantly, or schedule your posts with ease. On top of it, we provide you with the ability to find high-quality, relevant content to raise your rank and authority on social. Best of all, a complete social marketing functionality is included with all plans.
We are always too busy. Can you manage social media marketing on our behalf?
Yes. We will manage social media marketing, and other aspects of the online presence on your behalf and it's included with most managed plans. Better yet, we will find the right platform(s) that benefit your business. This way, you can concentrate on growing your business.
I'm skeptical about social media marketing, is it really necessary?
We love skeptics. Many people we speak with are skeptical about the social media marketing at first. In todays world, if you don't have basic social presence you run a risk of becoming irrelevant since almost everyone looks at your online profile, including social platforms, prior to trusting and buying from you.
If you don't have social media presence, your website visitors are 5-times more likely to give their business to your competitors with solid social profile. However, we also recognize that not all social platforms are relevant to all businesses. We will help you to find your niche social media platforms that convert and helps you sell more. Are there restrictions on how many social media platform your software can handle?
Virtually, no. We have never ran into an issue of not being able to handle multiple social platforms.
How would I know if someone mentioned by brand online?
Our software monitors the web, including all social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook. As a result, automated, real-time alerts will be sent to you email instantly upon discovery. Additionally, you will receive a detailed daily digest of all mentions, reviews and comments allowing you to respond in a timely manner and improve your product or service. That information serves as base to calculate your brand online ranking comparing it to your industry and your competitors. Moreover, you can also see the engagement levels of various social platforms, all from your customized customer portal.
Social media platforms are changing often, how do you keep up?
We work hard to ensure that we are ahead of the curve. We release frequent and exciting updates and functionality almost monthly. We are so confident that you will love the solution as much as we do, that we offer a free, no obligation 14-day trial.
Can I access my customer portal on a smartphone?
Yes. Customer portal and all functionality is mobile-friendly and will work on virtually any mobile device, including smartphones and tablets.
(888) 807-6278 |